WilderTime #67
By | 03/23/2019 |

RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) ‘s March Madness!
On radiowilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) tonight, you might win part of $1000 worth of prizes, grab a free tee shirt, or how about cold beer and chicken from Zac Brown!
We have a big-time lineup featuring One Republic, Pearl Jam, Kurt Baker and the mighty Jimi Hendrix!
Great covers in the Deuces are Wilder and brand new Weezer!
Enter our charity raffle and you might win a $10,000 custom rock n’ roll coffee table and help kids from 3rd – 8th-grade fight cyberbullying, obesity and help them learn to respect their teachers!
First show at 6:00 p.m. PST / 9:00 p.m. EST. All shows are available on-demand and you can enjoy the show on Spotify or iTunes.
Thanks for being part of our family! Have a wonderful weekend!

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