WilderTime Presents Anniversary Show p1
By | 11/10/2018 |
Anniversary Show p1
It’s finally here!
Radio Wilder is celebrating our first year with our biggest and best show yet! Here is the tonights big lineup:
The Rolling Stones
Creedence Clearwater Revival
One of my favs The Raveonettes
The Ramones
Ricky Nelson
Meghan Trainor
Elvis Presley
That’s not even half of Part 1 of the EPIC Wilder Anniversary Show. Can’t wait to share some amazing interviews, my fav songs, and more in this 2hr special! 9pm ET/6pm PT don’t miss it!
How would you like to win a free raffle ticket for a chance at winning a one of a kind ’45’ series rock n’ roll coffee table? It’s 98 lbs of design beauty and coolness? We will give away 4 tickets during tonight’s show to enter our rock charity raffle. Great soundbites and a ton of music from the past 70 years! Go to radiowilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) and request your favorite song to get a free tee shirt!
We are now on Spotify and been seen or heard in 32 countries and over 525 cities worldwide! We kick things off@8Eastern/5Pacific on radiowilder.com (https://radiowilder.com) Come join the fun and many thanks for helping us being able to celebrate our first year and you just might win one of those $10,000 beauties!!
Enjoy the show!
The Wilder Crew
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