WilderTime #034
By | 06/09/2018 |

Harry, Health, and Happy With RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) !
How old are you?
Could you be a ‘Shrinking Man?
Iggy Pop from his ‘Nude and Rude’ album.
I like ‘Bread and Butter,’ The Doobies, Joy Division, ‘Little Children”, Shelters, Animals, the Ramones, and plenty more
Show up for RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) .
We welcome Columbia as our 30th country to enjoy 65 years of rock-n-roll right up to 65 minutes ago!
Thanks for listening and remember, you can download on iTunes by searching podcasts using ‘radio wilder’ in the search, and of course, all shows are available On-Demand!

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