WilderTime #047

By | 09/28/2018 |


Radio Wilder

WilderTime #047

Radio Wilder         Radio Wilder        
WilderTime #047           WilderTime #047          
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    Year #2 For RadioWilder.com  (https://radiowilder.com/)

    We start our second year on RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) with a wonderful, heart warming story….

    ….about how a man in Philadelphia sent Harry his original 60 year old turquoise transistor radio! Owned by one person for over sixty years,it’s in perfect condition!

    Check out new videos on our site and soon the pictures of the original $10,000 dollar rock n’roll tables will be up. 

    Our anniversary show is now scheduled for the middle of November and the raffle will begin on that show. 

    Now to tonight’s music:

    The Late Show, Johnny Burnette doing “Dreamin”

    Bon Jovi,

    “I Am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel.

    Check out Prince’s new album,”A Mic and Piano” then listen to “Rasberry Beret”!

    A great cover of “White rabbit” by Dr. Drone.

    Much, much more music and if you send in your musical request, you get a free and cool tee shirt!  First show begins at 9:00 pm EST/ 6:00 pm  PST  RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) or go to podcasts on iTunes and user ‘radio wilder’ to search for the show.  All previous podcasts on both sites and available on demand.  

    Thanks for listening and making us one of the fastest growing rock podcasts in the world!


    Harry and the Wilder Team

    About the author,


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