WilderTime #049
By | 10/12/2018 |

Are you ready for the anniversary show?
The first anniversary show dates are set….
……(albeit) two months past! We are doing two shows on back to back weekends, November 9th and November the 16th. We promised big, and we are going to deliver big!
How about the one of a kind Freddie Mercury rock n’roll coffee table? It’s the only one of its kind available in our gallery for $15,000. Don’t have the $15k? Then jump into our rock raffle for $25.00 and have a shot at one of three beautifully designed tables designed for Cold Play, Flaming Lips, or Green Day fans. Each one valued at $10,000!
We are breaking two brand new songs on the shows and listen for cool interviews from people who have done it! Plus, we have over 50 songs covering 65 years of rock! Listen to tonight’s show for more details!
First show starts@9Eastern/6Pacific on radiowilder.com. (https://radiowilder.com)
If you’re an Apple fan, go to iTunes and search podcasts using radio wilder to search.All shows are always available on-demand on both platforms! Join us and see why people are listening in over 500 cities worldwide!
Thanks for ROCKING with us!
Harry and his Wilder Team

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