WilderTime #59
By | 01/26/2019 |

Radio Wilder…A Rock n’Roll show.
Starting tonight at 5 p.m. PST/8 p.m. EST:
Star of DIY’s ‘Vanilla Ice Project comes out of retirement to open our show!
Shivaree, Tegan and Sarah, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club join him on stage for a rabble rouser!
Dave Edmunds sings about ‘Other guy’s girls and The Staple Singers and reggae’s General Public make up the Deuces.
Pledge $25 to kids in our Rock’nRoll raffle to help stop cyberbullying and help teach kids respect for their teachers and you will feel great going into the weekend!!
Join us tonight on radio wilder.com (http://wilder.com/) or catch us on Spotify or always on iTunes under podcasts! Please follow us on Facebook and our YouTube channels to help us earn a custom name before we go live!
Have an awesome weekend! We love our listeners!!

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