WilderTime #62
By | 02/16/2019 |

Presidents Weekend & Radio Wilder #62
We put together a powerful Presidents Day show for your 3 day weekend! The great Bluesman,Robert Johnson, shares the stage with EricClapton in the Deuces segment, Pressure is on by Muse, remember Wolfman Jack? Todd R. will remind you of him. Coming out of Minnesota,The Trashmen hit you with Surfin Bird! Imagine Dragons, James Brown and much more! We welcome The Russian Federation as our 38th country! Help the kids with a $25 dollar raffle ticket for a chance at a $10.000 rock n’roll coffee table!!. Shows start @5 Pacific/8Eastern on radiowilder.com. Listen to us on Spotify or you can always go to podcasts on iTunes . Thanks for listening!!

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