WilderTime #72
By | 04/27/2019 |

NFL Draft and “Summer in the City”
For tonight’s WilderTime we have a special show for those that are enduring the NFL Draft, especially if you did not get your choice. And for those of you that did get your choice, you are loving it like “Deuces are Wilder” duo song set “Summer in the City”! Either way, enjoy the following:
How about some Monster Mash, American Rock ‘n’ Roll, Sunshine of your Love, and Mamasita from Boris Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers, Don Felder, Cream, and Ryan Hamilton’s the Harlequin Ghost!
Then find out who is playing Rock and Roll, Hochie Koo; Black Books; The Perfect Drug; Wait til’ My Bobby gets Home; and We both go Down Together. ???
After Deuces are Wilder, enjoy some Caper Clowns, Def Leopard, Bob Dylan, Roger Miller, Ian Hunter, and more!
Be sure to tune in tonight to hear the podcast on RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) or your Itunes Podcast player or other favorite players like Spotify.
Our show will be up and going by tonight – Friday, April 26, 2019. Listen and enjoy the show with your family, friends, and favorite beverage!
Don’t forget, call us on Harry’s hotline at 602-935-0545 and tell us what you are up too or leave a request for your favorite song.
Until then Rock On!
Harry and the Wilder bunch!

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