WilderTime – BritInvasion-VacationFlashback 2019
By | 08/02/2019 |

BritInvasion-VacationFlashback 2019
The Stones are on tour. The Beatles are in the here and the hereafter. However, you can catch them both on radiowilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) as we present our British Invasion special!
The top ten sellers by both groups counting down from #10 to #1.
It’s the best of the two greatest super groups, a show you won’t forget!
’Baby Ruth’ is back from her own British Invasion and there’s a good chance you can catch the show around noon!
As always you can find us on Radio Wilder (https://radiowilder.com/) , Spotify, or on ITunes under podcasts!
Have a Wilder weekend loaded with fun and a little downtime for yourself. Thanks for listening!
Harry and the Wilder Bunch!

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