Harry Goes To Nashville – Piggly Wiggly Goes WILDER!
By Harry | 03/01/2018 | Comments Off on Harry Goes To Nashville – Piggly Wiggly Goes WILDER!

Piggly Wiggly Goes WILDER!
The boyz, Harry Sleighel and his good friend, Bill Carrick, popped into a grocery store for a sweatshirt because the weather in Nashville turned cold. Little did they know what a sensation their new attire would create.
They were stopped constantly by people. “I love Piggly Wiggly”. “Where did you get that?” “That’s so cool, we used to shop at the Pig!
Left to right – Harry, Kenneth Osborne, owner of the store who came out to thank these two wild guys for buying his sweatshirt, and Harry’s friend, Bill Carrick.

About the author, Harry