Internet Radio Man #118 Let's Do the "Shelter in Place"
By | 04/10/2020 |

We are here to help you with sheer boredom by listening to today’s Internet Radio Man’s #118 ‘Do the Shelter in Place’. It give’s you a chance to hear me starting my very first and hopefully last rap!.
- If this isn’t one of our most eclectic and electric rockers, I don’t know which one is!
- Cool Deuces with Paul Butterfield and the Iron Butterfly, Patti Smith, The Impalas, Billy Idol, new Dollyrots, new One Republic, and Shirley Bassey.
- Come on!! Join us today on, You can find us on Spotify ,Breaker, Stitcher, Google Play, and iTunes.
- Shows start after ‘Baby Ruth’ finishes her now’ full time’ duties and makes her delicious milk chocolate bunny rabbits!
- Thanks for all the great texts about our music adding a little light in your lives!
Happy Easter from the Wilder family!

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