Showtime #006
By | 10/27/2017 |

There are some weeks when you have a rough time, and you just want to chill out to some good Rock ‘n Roll. Well, Harry is here to save the day! He will provide you with tunes, stories, and his journey that is better than any “chill pill”. This episode will both make you think and ultimately encourage you to go “Wilder” with your day!
So, go and get your favorite adult elixir, relax, and enjoy tunes like:
Amercian Woman in our 2nd Deuces Are Wilder series. (Guess who performs each one?)
Say it ain’t so, Harry – Dwight Yoakum!
ZZ Top
Iggy Pop
And much, much more.
And don’t forget, we would appreciate you giving us your requests and feedback through our “Request Your Song” button or at ( .
So, make it over to or iTunes Podcast and:
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