Wilder Time #96
By | 10/26/2019 |

Thanks to our Listeners
Thanking our fans!! After two plus years, the real secret to our show’s success, is our fans! The musical contributions, soundbites, e-mails and great reviews, have added lift and power to what we do. Very encouraging!
So tonight on Wilder Time #96 “Thanks to our Listeners“, we thank you with a show chock full of great music.
First show begins when ‘Baby Ruth’ finishes painting her garage and tuning her lawnmower.
Come join us and the music will get you started for a super weekend!
Dob’t forget all shows are available on demand at RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) , iTunes, and Spotify!
Thanks again, from the’Wilder’family.
Enjoy your weekend!
Harry and The Wilder Bunch

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