WilderTime #74 Across State Lines
By | 05/11/2019 |

“Across State Lines”
Across State Lines! What does it mean? I don’t know, but what we do know is that tons of great music is rolling out this afternoon!
New Black Keys and Beck,who originally recorded ‘It Ain’t me Babe?” Adam Ant, Nino Tempo, and April Stevens doing a beauty – Deep Purple. Strumbellas doing Salvation, Tegan and Sarah and mucho mas!
Do you know anyone in West Virginia, Vermont, Wyoming, or Rhode Island? These are the only states not listening. Bummer!
Music starts early this afternoon, so join us early; or because we are always ready on-demand, listen when you want!
Remember all shows are available at RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) or on your Itunes Podcast player, or other favorite players like Spotify!
Thanks for listening and your musical contributions!
Have fun this weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms!!!
Harry and the Wilder Bunch!

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