WilderTime Welcomes 2019
By | 01/05/2019 |

WilderTime Welcomes 2019 Edition
It’s cold out there! Take a trip back to the Spring where it’s warm and comfy and listen to some great music!
All Them Witches, Stabilizers, Crazy Horse, Them and many more powerful artists!
Listen to ’em tonight on RadioWilder.com (https://radiowilder.com/) starting at 8 p.m. EST / 5 p.m. PST.
Wanna pick up a nice Spring black logo tee shirt for Free? Go to our site and click on request your song, fill out the info and your shirt and cap will be on its way!
Get $25.00 out of your jeans and enter our rock n’ roll charity raffle and you could win a musically inspired coffee table featuring either Cold Play, The Flaming Lips or Green Day. Tables are valued at $10,000 and you can help kids from the 3rd thru 8th-grade fight bullying, obesity and help them learn to respect their teachers!!
Come join us tonight or listen over the weekend as all shows are available on-demand. Don’t want a tee shirt or driving in your car? Catch us on Spotify or search for us under podcasts on iTunes using radio wilder.
Have a wonderful winter weekend from The Wilder Ones!!

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